
What I offer

My mission is to offer a flexible, personalised service to help you achieve your health goals in the quickest possible timeframe.

consultation with two people one writing on a clipboard

I offer a variety of services to suit your unique situation.  Starting from our brand new Diet & Lifestyle MOT, currently on offer for an incredibly low £99, or for more complex health concerns, 3 or 6 month packages of personalised support starting from £420. 

Personalised approach

Individuality is key to my approach. Everyone reaches their current health status via a different path and the route to improving it is also totally unique to you. There is no one-size-fits-all here!

Lasting changes

We often know the things we ‘should’ be eating and that broccolli is better than biscuits, but my aim is for you to have lasting results rather than a quick fix that wears off in a few months.

Fast track results

We all have busy lives and want to feel better in the quickest possible time. I aim to help you shorten the path to feeling amazing.

"I felt totally at ease during my consultation with Emma. She was professional, punctual and proficient. Her friendly and polite qualities were clear as she built a suitable programme for me. I had digestive complaints and was over the moon with the results when I applied her nutritional advice. I was really pleased to find that they had totally disappeared. Emma is full of knowledge and capable of getting to the root cause of a health problem. As a nutrition student myself I hope that when I graduate I will be as good and as thorough a nutritionist as her!"
Red rose